Sunday, May 23, 2010

What's going on in my other blogs?

Here is the latest news on my other blogs!

About the Authors Blog: as you all may know i started a new blog called 'about the authors' it is still in the works but click on the link to hear why i did it!

So Stella: So Stella is facing some technical difficulties I will fix soon.... :'(....... (posts not for a while sorry!)

Fairy Friends: Thank you everybody for the 9 followers so far! also we have two new members who are starting their tasks, more posts soon!

Winx Wallpapers: Added a new organizing system a few weeks ago, hope its still not confusing, added two new wallpapers days ago! more wallpapers soon!

Winx Pictures: Added more pictures in the past 2 weeks, hope to have more and might delete me (due to over crowding) so if you like some of my pictures better get them fast! hehe

More new about winx coming soon!

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